Entries by Babs De Lay

High Rises

September 11th, 2001 seems like a lifetime ago. That date, burned into many of our brains was when the twin towers fell in NYC and killed almost 3,000 people. At the time of the terrorist attack, the World Trade Center’s twin towers were the tallest buildings in NYC-1,369 and 1,362 feet tall, respectively.  They were […]

California Forever

A lot of folks love California, with almost 40 million living in the state these days. Sure, I love the natural beauty of the beaches, the redwood forest, even the desert but I would not live there. One of my brothers lives in SOCAL and just to get around you have to reenact the old […]


Unless you’re a Native American, we’re all immigrants to this state. We were discovered by trappers and explorers, some of whom stuck around, followed by the great Mormon trek of folks who sought a place to live and practice their religion. Once the white colonizers from Britian and Scandinavia took over the land industry began […]


Summertime and traveltime go hand in hand. The weather warms up and folks want to get out and explore, and since the Pandemic stopped so many travel plans, Americans have been on the web booking travel plans to near and far off places. Many of those destinations require passports, and lucky Utah is going to […]

Buying New Construction

The National Assn. of Home Builders have chimed in about what home buyers really seem to want these days. In their most recent national survey of builders involved in erecting homes, not condos, the data showed that smaller home construction is the norm (less square feet) became obvious in 2023 and is continuing this year […]

Creative Wards

I went to a friend’s new office at 95 South State Street-you know, the all-glass 25 story building that sits on the corner of 100 South and State, just west of Harmons. It’s a beautiful building inside but what really impressed me is the fact there is a four story meeting house for the Church […]

The Creepies

I recently had a new client to the area wonder about sex offenders that were located in a neighborhood where she wanted to purchase a new home. Her concerns were especially strong as she has two very young children and wants a safe neighborhood to live in upon closing escrow. She Googled a particular address […]

Fences and Potholes

In the past six weeks I’ve had three flat tires from driving around downtown. Each time my hero ‘Joey’ at Burt Brothers tires has pulled out a long sheet rock screw out of my tire. This maddening fact is due to the massive amount of construction downtown, and between the awful potholes and the detritus […]

Wanna Run Away?

I have a lot of friends who say, “If Trump gets elected again, I’m moving to Canada and buying a home there!”  Um, sorry kids, but unless you’re a Canadian citizen, you cannot purchase residential property as of January 2023. Well, so how does one become a Canadian?  Marriage to a Canadian citizen does not […]

Holy Gorgeous

The LDS Church has 335 Temples around the world in various phases of operation.  Some are in full operation; others are under construction or being remodeled. I’m not a member of the faith and in all the years I’ve been in Utah I’ve never actually been inside Mormon holy ground. When a Temple is being […]